

澎湖縣立馬公國中,最初是「澎湖縣立初級中學」。民國 48 年設校於東衛里, 52 年遷入光武營區, 54 年二月才在現址設校,並在民國 57 年改制為「澎湖縣立馬公國民中學」,且於 63 年成立附設補校, 87 年文光國中成立之後,教職員工與學生數逐年減少至現在的規模。


現任校長黃銘廣自一百零八年年八月接掌本校,即旰食宵衣,夙夜憂勤。在硬體設備上除增添停車場、足球、手球、羽球、棒球場及桌球室、閱覽室外,更整修育館、籃球場、操場跑道水溝蓋;尤其老舊校舍的更新,更是浩大工程。目前除第一、二期己經完工外,第三、四期工程也於一百零二年八月完工,同年十一月也完成操場 pu 跑道的整工程,本校將擁有宏偉的校門、嶄新的圖書館、現代化的藝術人文表演場、美術館、體育館、家政館、工藝館、以及最新式的教室、廣闊的操場、美麗的花圃。



MKJH History


    Penghu County Magong Junior High School was originally a "Penghu County Junior High School." The school was established in Dongweili in 1949 and moved to Guangwuying District in 1982. It was only established at the current location in February of 54. It was restructured into "Penghu County Magong National High School" in 1949, and the subsidiary was established in 1963. After the establishment of Wenguang Junior High School in 1987, the number of faculty, staff and students has been reduced to the current scale year by year.

      Looking back on the 40 years since the school was founded, the school has cultivated countless talents for the Penghu area. Although the scale is now small, the result of interactive competition has encouraged the teachers and students of the school to work harder. Therefore, in recent years, most of the teachers and students of our school have ranked among the best in foreign competitions and advancement.

      The current principal, Mingguang Huang, has taken over the school since August ,2019. In addition to the addition of parking lots, football, handball, badminton, baseball fields and billiard rooms, reading rooms, the hardware equipment also renovated, such as the training hall, basketball court, and playground; especially the renovation of the old school buildings is a huge project.

      At present, in addition to the first and second phases that have been completed, the third and fourth phases were also completed in August 2012. The playground pu-track was also completed in November of the same year. The school will have magnificent gates and brand new library, modern art and humanities performance field, art gallery, gymnasium, housekeeping hall, craft hall, as well as the latest classrooms, extensive playgrounds, and beautiful flower gardens.

      In the software, in addition to the twelve-year national education curriculum, a complete network system has been built, class associations have been established, and drum dance, paper windmill theater troupes, art exhibitions, and multi-level research activities have been introduced. Over the past few years, we can clearly find that this revision is moving towards the goal of diversification, innovation, and forge ahead. Hope that all of the teachers and students will understand the hardships of the predecessors, work hard together, sharpen their needs, and strive to be strong and magnificent on the existing foundation.
